Monday, January 19, 2009

stupid fools who suck at living

So here goes my rant of the day....
At my work i am required to talk to the stupid people that call in and want to order stupid items to help cheat people out of their money. I hate them with all my soul, so they call in and order literature and then they get all pissed and call back and say that they didn't order from us and freak out because they don't have any money because pyramid schemes don't work. So they very well know that they DID place that order and that they DID verify the charge on their card. It is not like i can read minds and i magically got your card number and some how placed an order for literature that goes with your stupid ass company just to spite you. Please people, if i had your credit card number i am sure the last thing i would buy is something for you. (not that i really would ever steal any one's card number and buy things for myself, but still) anyway... so they always say that they are just going to stop the funds on their cards or say that is a fraud. Well my little fools i am the one that is in charge of dealing the the charge backs and let me tell you that i can prove every time that YOU ARE THE ONE WHO PLACED THAT ORDER AND YOU DID VERIFY THE CHARGE ON YOUR CARD. it really warms my soul when i get the letters from the credit card companies saying that i have won and the customer has lost. it makes me happy to know that i am smarter than them. I really have no clue how some of these people get ready in the morning. I swear they must have their spouse/lover or crack baby tell them on how to put their clothes on cause they are to stupid to do it themselves. which makes me think that they must be talking to me on the phone butt naked cause how could someone so stupid get married. They deserve to be alone! the world is a mess and i just need to rule it!


Jiles The Great said...

I love Doctor Horrible and I love that you quoted him. I'm sorry you have to deal with retards, I feel similarly at work when people yell at me for enforcing the terms of their contract which they didn't bother to read before signing. The world is full of morons and I hope you continue to win the battle of stupidity.

kajsia mccoy said...

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. I love you. and you are so right.

mer and mel said...
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mer and mel said...

Emily!! I loved your rant- and I totally agree with you- that is why I am so glad I stay at home and don't work! Stupid people make me mad :)